A solo "thank you"

Do not be discouraged. Oklahomans should not have to settle for mediocrity.

Dear Representative Dunnington,

My name is Sarah Hoss and I have been an Oklahoma resident since 2007. I am a white, straight, 34-year old college professor and consider myself an ally of the LGBT community. I wanted to say thank you for the bill you have proposed to the Oklahoma State Legislature (HB 1345).

I have been writing your colleagues, both Senators and Representatives, expressing my extreme disapproval of their anti-LGBT legislation. It was a breath of fresh air to come across your proposal and to see that there is someone in the Oklahoma state government who is advocating for the LGBT community. I am sure there are times the effort seems dire but please do not give up. Tens of thousands of Oklahomans need your voice and support.

I encourage you to do more. Our economy is broken. Our public schools are a disgrace. Our roads are an embarrassment. Our population is unhealthy. Our environment needs stewardship. There is much to do and much you can do as a leader in our state government. I’ve read your other proposed House Bills (1339-1344) and they are a start. Do more. Do not be discouraged. Oklahomans should not have to settle for mediocrity. You can make our state better.

Sarah Hoss

The Gayly - 2/1/2016 @ 3:53 pm CST