“The force is strong with this one”

Bar Wars V hits OKC October 21
by Robin Dorner
Editor in Chief
Without giving away too many of the upcoming surprises guests will receive at the annual Bar Wars event, co-organizer David Rackley said, “I'll just say they’ll receive a ‘Welcome to the fabulous Bar Wars’ that could be considered Vegas worthy.”
Over the past few years, Bar Wars has become one ofthe events of the year for OKC and Rackley added that he’s certain this year will top them all.
“Bar Wars will deliver the fun filled evening of sampling cocktail creations that the event has been known for the past four years but it will be an entirely different party as we celebrate our fifth year of this event,” said Rackley. “Hosting this year's festivities in a new, larger location has allowed our creative team to add elements of entertainment we've not had previously.”
The purpose of Bar Wars from the beginning has been to raise funds for a local nonprofit, Other Options and Friends Food Pantry, Inc. (OOI) by bringing together some of Oklahoma's best bartenders. Funds raised will be used to support the mission of OOI, a local organization that provides food and services to individuals and families affected by HIV and AIDS. Additionally, OOI hosts youth service programs and a Humanitarian Medication Program which ships recycled medications to third world countries.
Rackley is also board president of OOI.
“It's no secret that most of us are never truly looking forward to ‘that meal’ at ‘another charity event,’” Rackley exclaimed. “But you put 15 bartenders under one roof, add some incredible yet unexpected entertainment and that combined with great light bites from restaurants all over Oklahoma City and you get people a bit more excited.”
Rackley listed the many incredible bartenders already confirmed to participate from an array of different locations. “This year, we will also be joined by a bartender from a location proud of being the home of ‘the big girl drink.’ You'll find bartenders representing VZDs, The Lost Highway, Noir Bistro, Tramps, Meat Market Refectory, Joey's Pizza, Savings & Loan Co., WSKY Lounge, Phoenix Rising, Guernsey Park and Bossa Nova as well as a few other surprises to come.
“The main reason the bartenders are there is to help support the many great things that Other Options does throughout the year,” Rackley added with passion. “These incredible bartenders are talented, but even more amazing than the mixology skills that they possess is the kindhearted generosity they all have.
These bartenders are giving up an evening with their paying bar clients to lend us their skills and create cocktails while raising money for a local food pantry. These bartenders walk away from the evening having made a huge contribution and every one of them donates their tips to Other Options. The winners walk away with bragging rights, a trophy and knowing they were part of something big.”
Rackley offered a big “thank you” to all of the “incredible” Other Options board members and “amazing” volunteers! “So many people working so hard year-round. Each making a difference. Seeing so many individuals working to help is a reminder that, ‘What we can't do alone, we can do together.’”
Bar Wars will be Friday, October 21 at the Farmers Public Market, 311 S. Klein Ave. OKC 73108 (lower level). Tickets are $50 for those planning on sampling each of the cocktails, $10 designated driver tickets strictly nonalcoholic beverages. OOI encourages guests to utilize a designated driver or use services like Uber and Lyft.
Tickets and sponsorship opportunities may be found at www.otheroptionsokc.org.
Other Options, Inc. (OOI) and Friends Food Pantry is focused on non-discriminating, compassionate care to those in need. The purpose of OOI is to provide food, resources, services, and education to at-risk individuals and families with a focus on those affected by HIV and AIDS.
Copyright 2016 The Gayly – October 13, 2016 @ 6:10 p.m.