Did Oklahoma candidate for House commit voter fraud?

Bobby Cleveland, the Republican candidate in the State House race for district 20.

(Oklahoma City) Republican candidate Bobby Cleveland in Norman, OK needs to tell voters what he pled to in order to receive a deferred prosecution, when he was caught voting twice in the same election, which is a felony under Oklahoma law. In order to receive a deferred sentence like he did, he would have had to submit a plea to the court.

"A candidate he needs to be responsible to the voters in Oklahoma and tell them the truth," said Oklahoma Democratic Party Chairman Wallace Collins.

Bobby Cleveland is the Republican candidate in the State House race for district 20 which covers parts of Cleveland, Garvin, McClain, and Pottawatomie counties.

"What kind of sweetheart deal did he make with the Republican District Attorney [in Cleveland County]?" Chairman Collins continued, "Oklahoma Republican Party Chair Matt Pinnell needs to clarify his candidate's criminal record in House District 20."

Citizens that have been convicted of a felony are not allowed to run for the state legislature according to Oklahoma statutes.

Further, according to reports made to the Oklahoma Ethics Commission, Cleveland claims that he used campaign money to fill up his campaign vehicle with gas, EIGHT times in the same day. On June 8th he turned in eight gas receipts to the tune of $409.29. Which begs the question, is Cleveland really going through that much gas in a day? His district only covers four counties, not four states.

Apparently Cleveland isn't good at any math. On that same ethics report there are two items listed as expenditures under $50. The problem is the amounts listed are over $50 (one was $52.91 and another for $81.41).

We hope people do their homework on all candidates before going to the polls on November 6th.