Fayetteville church to raffle sports car during annual Pride picnic

We are running headstrong into June Pride at Spirit of Peace NWA,” said Rev. Mark Williams, Senior Pastor of Spirit of Peace NWA Church in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
On Sunday, June 16, the church will host its annual Pride Service starting at 11 a.m. Following the service, there will be a community cookout and potluck. The church will furnish hamburgers and hotdogs; guests are invited to bring a side dish to share.
“We always have plenty of food!” exclaimed Williams. “Everyone is invited, and all our events, and we are family friendly.”
Spirit of Peace NWA has been very fortunate in that an anonymous donor has given a 2005 Red Miata MX5 convertible to the church to help raise money for their ministries.
William said the vehicle has approximately 71,000 miles and is in “great condition,” adding the car has a new battery, has been detailed, has cruise control, a cd/radio, a/c and is a five-speed.
The winner of the Miata is responsible for all fees, taxes, etc., and the car is raffled “as is.”
“We had a mechanic check the car out, and they did not see any problems with it,” he said. “Raffle tickets are going for $50 each with a maximum of 200 tickets to be sold.
“Pretty good odds,” Williams remarked.
Raffle tickets may be paid for with cash, check or by PayPal. Please call Pastor Mark at (479) 595-6161 to purchase your tickets.
Winner need not be present to win the car. If not present, the winner will be notified by phone call, so be sure to give your phone number when purchasing your ticket(s). The drawing will be at 1 p.m. on Sunday, June 16 at the Spirit of Peace NWA Church, located at 93 West Colt Square, Suite 1, Fayetteville, AR.
“Monies raised will go to support our ministries of free HIV testing and counseling, clothing items for the homeless in the winter, art supplies for a local non-profit, holiday food baskets for HIV patients and families of the free HIV clinic in Fayetteville, and more,” Williams added.
Additionally, Spirit of Peace NWA has been contacted by a local Walgreens to do free HIV testing and counseling in their store on Thursday, June 27, annual World AIDS Testing Day.
“We hope this is a great gateway into the larger community,” Williams remarked.
Williams has been the Senior Pastor of Spirit of Peace NWA for six years. The Associate Pastor is Rev. Roy Lenington, Willaims’ partner of 36 years.
“Spirit of Peace NWA has been around for many years and is an LGBTQIA+ affirming church,” said Williams. “We welcome all to join us in celebrating God’s love for all creation. We are a small independent Christian Church with a very big heart full of compassion and outreach to people, especially those feel rejected. We offer hope and affirmation to each person.”
For more information and updates from Spirit of Peace NWA Church, visit and like their FB page @Spirit-of-Peace-NWA, or email spiritofpeacenwa@yahoo.com.
Copyright The Gayly. 6/3/2019 @ 1:29 p.m. CST.