Group representing gay Catholics celebrates Mass

Dignity USA is the national umbrella group for LGBT Catholics, seeking acceptance in the Roman Catholic church. Logo used with permission.

DETROIT (AP) — A group representing gay Catholics celebrated Mass at Marygrove College in the face of appeals from a conservative Christian group that the Archdiocese of Detroit block the plans.

Dignity Detroit held Mass on Sunday at the Roman Catholic-sponsored school.

Members of Dignity Detroit were met by roughly 30 protesters. A smaller group held signs in support of Dignity Detroit members.

American Family Association Michigan President Gary Glenn said Thursday that he has asked Archbishop Allen Vigneron to enforce Vatican policies on homosexuality and intervene.

The 1.3 million-member archdiocese has said church institutions are subject to Catholic beliefs.

Dignity Detroit, which regularly meets at Marygrove College, celebrated its 39th anniversary on Sunday. It has held previous Masses in the school chapel.

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