KC Pride Fest is an event for everyone

KC PrideFest is June 2-4 at Berkley Riverfront Park.

by Emma Rose Kraus
Journalism Intern

This year’s Kansas City PrideFest will be introducing more activities for festival-goers of all ages, including spaces for families with children, teens and young adults and 21+ attendees.

The event, which will take place June 2, 3 and 4 at Berkley Riverfront Park, is expecting more than 10,000 people to come through, with many coming from out of town. KC Pride staff is dedicated to creating an event that will appeal to all demographics.

The crowd at last year’s KC PrideFest get ready to welcome performers onto the stage. Photo provided.

“We encourage people to bring the kids to KC Pride,” says Executive Director Bill Svoboda. “We have a larger and expanded kids area and we have a youth area designed for people 13 to 20 so they’ll be able to have their own area with furniture where they will get to socialize and enjoy companionship with people their own age.”

The festival also focuses heavily on healthcare and is planning to expand the Health Village where attendees can be tested and receive important information about staying healthy and safe.

“One of the great highlights of the festival is our healthcare,” Svoboda stresses. “People will be able to go in and get checked and learn all sorts of things to essentially live a healthy lifestyle.”

Other aspects of the festival include a pet adoption, a marketplace area and live entertainment.

“Material Girl will be performing,” Svoboda says. “DJ Citizen Jane will be headlining our Street Party, quartet Well Strung will be playing pop music on string instruments. We’re really expanding our entertainment this year.”

Tony Moran performing at the 2016 Kansas City PrideFest. Photo provided.

For out-of-towners traveling to the festival, Hampton Inn has made a special, breakfast included, room discount for the event and event administrators hope this will encourage even more participation in KC Pride.

Even without a parade, Kansas City’s Pride celebrations prove to be a special and important event that truly epitomizes the community-building and strengthening that Pride festivals were created to do.

Last year’s KC PrideFest brought rainbow colors to Bond Bridge. Photo provided.

KC Pride will take place Friday, June 2 from 6 p.m. to midnight, Saturday, June 3 from 12 p.m. to midnight and Sunday, June 4 from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Admission is $10 and there will be free admission from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. on Sunday. Discounted tickets will be on sale until May 28 with single day tickets for $7.50 and weekend passes for $18.50. Children 12 and under will be let in for free.

Don’t miss this year’s KC PrideFest, it’s sure to be one heck of a celebration!

Visit gaypridekc.org for more information.

Copyright 2017 The Gayly – May 18, 2017 @ 11:05 a.m.