Letters to the Editor - Trans and bisexual thanks

Bisexual and transgender articles warrant a "Thank you" from these two readers.

Dear Editor,

I am a transsexual living in Oklahoma City and I picked up a copy of your November issue and so enjoyed the section on Transgender Awareness Month. The articles were so good and so correct and it was like I wrote them.

I wanted to tell you how it made me feel like I’m not alone and it was uplifting and it made me feel better. It is so true about the depression and loneliness – those stories were heart-touching.

Thank you so much for making this paper available for us. It is truly a lifeline.

Michelle Mustang


Dear Editor,

Thank you, Harrie Farrow, for the great article about “bisexual histories” in the November issue. The confused public continues to inaccurately define ‘crap’ from all sides that fluid people have had to put up with over the years. Harrie’s is the best and most articulate discussion of the subject I have ever read.

Dave Quick, Wichita, KS


The Gayly - 12/11/2015 @ 12:17 p.m. CST