Oklahoma City Pride Alliance announces the return of Family Zone

The Oklahoma City Pride Alliance is excited to announce the return of the Family Zone at this year’s annual Oklahoma City Pride Festival held in the historic 39th St. District on Saturday, June 22nd.
The Family Zone will be open from 2 p.m. – 8 p.m. inside the gated lawn located behind Penn Automotive. Lauren Love, the lead organizer, describes the Family Zone as “a safe space where queer families can be seen and celebrated by the community,” including a craft tent, face painting, lawn games, community art project alongside a variety of vendors, resources – and so much more!
Family Zone is a free event that is made possible with the help of countless volunteers, local organizations, businesses, and community groups.
Exciting additions to the 2019 OKC Pride Family Zone include a child feeding/care area coordinated by Grace United Methodist Church, Green Bambino, and Mayflower Congregational Church; a toddler play place provided by Okie Kids; photo booth station sponsored by Southern Hills Christian Church; and a Story Hour organized by Nappy Roots Books at 4 p.m.
“We are looking for day-of volunteers to assist with set-up/clean-up, sponsors to provide activities for families to get engaged, donors to help make the big stuff happen, and Amazon shoppers to buy needed items to help bring Family Zone’s dreams to life!” shared Love.
The OKC Pride Family Zone Wish List can be viewed at www.tinyurl.com/pridefamilyzone2019. To get involved and stay updated please visit the Oklahoma City Pride website at www.oklahomacitypride.org.
Copyright The Gayly – June 12, 2019 @ 7:50 a.m. CDT.