What are you committed to for your quality of health?
by Christopher B. Robrahn
Fitness Columnist
As a fitness advocate and host of the weekly show, Spirit of Fitness, I get e-mails and chat with people who are at varying levels with their interest and commitment to their fitness and health goals. I received a note recently from a woman who said, “I don’t have time to center my life around exercise and fitness.”
Her note got me to thinking. The reality is, I’m committed to a quality of health I want to have for years to come, exercise being the component to keep me strong and vibrant. There is the nutrition component and the mind-body component.
So, my question to you is, are you willing to be committed to an improvement in your health for the rest of your life?
The answer may seem easy, of course. The challenge comes each day on how to achieve that goal. I am focused on exercise and that component of my health, and I have built healthy habits to reinforce the need to get plenty of exercise each day.
The nutrition aspect is a bit dicier, but I’ve found with planning and thinking about what I’m consuming, I’ve improved my diet. While I’ve never had a weight challenge in my life, I began by evaluating the amount of food I eat, how often and the quality of the foods.
It takes some planning on how to eat properly, and many people just don’t take the time or think about it. I have friends that exercise regularly but have poor dietary habits and diets. So, have they really achieved their goal of improving their health?
And don’t forget drinking plenty of water. Water is an essential part of nutrition.
Don’t forget the mind-body connection — the newest part of my health goals. Understanding how you react, promoting positive feelings, avoiding anger and tension and allowing yourself a little time each day to relax your mind and appreciate who you are, and the simple things can mean much.
Meditation adds a positive component as well as simple movements with Yoga to engage the mind positively.
I’ve found that many people want to improve their health but fail by not developing positive habits. These habits take three months of effort to really become incorporated in your life.
Many people think of adding fitness or improving nutrition as taking time for, rather than habitually doing these things to better their overall physical and mental health.
By taking these steps, things like work and relationships may also improve. It is a commitment that can change your life for the better. Think about that.
Copyright The Gayly. 10/07/2019 @ 11:02 a.m. CST.