YouTube star pleads guilty to vandalism in false report case

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A gay YouTube personality has pleaded guilty to felony vandalism in an incident in which he claimed he was the victim of a hate crime.
The Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office says London-native Calum McSwiggan pleaded guilty Monday and was sentenced to three years of supervised probation and 52 anger management sessions.
McSwiggan was charged with vandalizing a car belonging to a man who he had an altercation with outside a West Hollywood gay club in late June, then falsely claiming he was beaten by the man and his friends.
The 26-year-old claimed in an Instagram post that the men broke his teeth. Authorities said McSwiggan was seen hitting himself with a jail payphone.
A phone message left for McSwiggan's attorney was not immediately returned Tuesday.
Copyright 2016 The Gayly - 11/8/2016 @ 4:51 p.m.