Chorus of opposition to discriminatory Oklahoma bill continues to grow

By Jordan Redman
Staff Writer
As Gov. Mary Fallin considers whether to sign or veto SB1140, a bill that would allow religious-based adoption agencies to discriminate against same-sex couples, single people and non-Christians while still receiving government funding, both opponents and proponents of the bill are rallying for support.
Those speaking out against the bill include some of the most recognizable organizations working in child welfare, the Tulsa Regional Chamber, a group of Oklahoma-based and national faith leaders, some notable Oklahomans such as Kristin Chenoweth and Megan Mullally, editorial boards and many more.
Below is a list of individuals and organizations who have voiced opposition to SB1140.
Oklahoma Child Welfare Organizations:
- American Academy of Pediatrics - Oklahoma State Chapter
National Child Welfare Organizations:
- American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children
- Child Welfare League of America
- Children’s Rights
- FosterClub
- Juvenile Law Center
- National Association of Counsel for Children
- National Center on Adoption and Permanency
- National Juvenile Defender Center
- North American Council on Adoptable Children
- Parents Anonymous Inc.
- Voice for Adoption
Oklahoma Faith Leaders, Congregations and Organizations
- Dr. Joseph Bessler, Phillips Theological Seminary, Tulsa
- Rev. Tim Blodget, Southminster Presbyterian Church, Tulsa
- Rev. Kayla Bonewell, Cathedral of Hope & Church of the Open Arms, Oklahoma City
- Rev. Geoffrey Brewster, Phillips Theological Seminary, Tulsa
- Rev. Jenny Markham Clewell, Mosaic United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City
- Rev. April Coates, United Methodist Church, Ponca City
- Rev. Kelli Driscoll Crews, Bethany Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Tulsa
- Rev. Dr. Bill Crowell, St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, Tulsa
- Rev. Shelly Coulter Daigle, United Methodist Church, Tulsa
- Rev. Dr. Mark Davies, Oklahoma City University, Oklahoma City
- Rev. Leslie A. Dotson, Tulsa Interfaith Alliance, Tulsa
- Rev. Nancy J.Eggen, Kansas-Oklahoma Conference of the United Church of Christ, Tulsa
- Rev. Tracy L. Evans, Presbyterian Church (USA), Norman
- Rabbi Marc Boone Fitzerman, Congregation B’nai Emunah, Tulsa
- Rev. Todd Freeman,College Hill Presbyterian Church,Tulsa
- Rev. Twila Gibbens, United Methodist, Tulsa
- Rev. Jim Gragg, United Methodist, Oklahoma City
- Minister Edith Guffey, Kansas-Oklahoma Conference of the United Church of Christ
- Jennifer Harmon EcOSB, Grey Robe Benedictines, Tulsa
- Rabbi Vered Harris, Temple B’nai Israel, Oklahoma City
- Rev. Jeannie Himes, St. Stephen’s United Methodist Church, Norman
- Rev. Doug Inhofe, Unitarian, Tulsa
- Rabbi Abby Jacobson, Emanuel Synagogue, Oklahoma City
- Rabbi Daniel S. Kaiman, Congregation B’nai Emunah, Tulsa
- Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar, All Souls Unitarian Church, Tulsa
- Rev. Maria Lobo, United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City
- Rev. Jen Logsdon-Kellogg, Quail Springs United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City
- Rev. Dr. Jennifer Long, United Methodist Church, Oologah
- Rev. M. Nathan Mattox, University United Methodist Church, Tulsa
- Rev. Dr. Deborah Meinke, Presbyterian Church (USA), Stillwater
- Rev. Dr. Robin R. Meyers, Mayflower Congregational UCC Church, Oklahoma City
- Rev. Dr. Kirt E. Moelling, St. Stephen’s United Methodist Church, Broken Arrow
- Rev. Chris Moore, Fellowship Congregational Church UCC, Tulsa
- Rev. Trina Bose North, Crown Heights United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City
- Deaconess Shelly Owen, United Methodist Church, Glenpool
- Dr.Gary Peluso-Verdend, Phillips Theological Seminary, Tulsa
- Dr. Bruce Prescott, Baptist, Norman
- Dr. R. Mitch Randall,, Norman
- Deacon Cindy Rieger, NorthHaven Church, Norman
- Rev. David B. Rose, United Methodist, Oklahoma City
- Rev. Susan Ross, United Methodist, Stillwater
- Rabbi James L. Simon, Temple Israel, Tulsa
- Rev. Scott A. Spencer, Mosaic United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City
- Cantor Faith Steinsnyder, Temple Israel, Tulsa
- Pastor Evan Taylor, East Side Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Tulsa
- Rev. Bryan Tener, Grace United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City
- Rev. William F. Todd, United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City
- Rev. Lori Walke, Mayflower Congregational United Church UCC, Oklahoma City
- Rev. David Wheeler, First Congregational Church UCC, Norman
- Deaconess Sandra W. Wickberg, Saint Paul's United Methodist Church, Tulsa
- Rev. Tony Zahn, United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City
National Religious and Faith-Based Organizations
- African American Ministers In Action-Equal Justice Task Force
- Ameinu
- As the Spirit Moves Us
- Avodah
- Bend the Arc Jewish Action
- Catholics for Choice
- Columbia Theological Seminary
- Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
- DignityUSA
- Disciples Justice Action Network
- Disciples LGBTQ+ Alliance
- Equal Partners in Faith
- Faith in Public Life
- Faith Matters Network
- The Fellowship of Affirming Ministries
- Global Faith & Justice Project
- Global Justice Institute, Metropolitan Community Churches
- Institute for Welcoming Resources
- Integrity USA-The Episcopal Rainbow
- Intersections International
- Interfaith Alliance
- Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action
- Jewish Community Action
- Keshet
- Methodist Federation for Social Action
- Metropolitan Community Churches
- Muslims for Progressive Values
- National Coalition of American Nuns
- National Council of Jewish Women
- New Ways Ministry
- Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
- Religious Institute
- Tivnu: Building Justice
- T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights
- Unitarian Universalist Association
- United Church of Christ, Justice and Witness Ministries
- Uri L'Tzedek: Orthodox Social Justice
- Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics, and Ritual (WATER)
- The Workmen's Circle
- YATOM: The Jewish Foster & Adoption Network
Fallin will make her decision on whether to sign or veto the discriminatory bill by May 18.
To contact Gov. Mary Fallin.
Local: (405) 521-2342 (9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)
After hours phone: (405) 522-8857 to leave a message. Option 6.
The Gayly. May 10, 2018. 11:49 a.m. CST.