Kansas Democrats strong in support of Veterans

Democrats to walk in Emporia Veteran's Day Parade.

The Kansas Democrats boast a 'proud history' of supporting veterans and the issues important to them. In fact, they invite you to show  support for Veterans with them by walking with gubernatorial candidate Paul Davis this veteran's Day in Emporia.

"As the Kansas Democratic Party Veterans Caucus Chair, I will be standing up with Paul and other Democrats as we thank Kansas veterans for their incredible service to our state and country," said Keith Humphrey, Veterans Caucus Chair of the Kansas Democratic Party. "Thanking veterans for their service is always welcome, but this year let's do more. Let's show Kansans who we are and what we believe in - and the Emporia Veteran's Day Parade is a great opportunity to do just that."

The Lyon County Democratic Party will have a float so you can walk or ride.

"I hope to see you this Monday in Emporia," concluded Humphrey.

Parade info:
What: Emporia Veteran's Day Parade
When: Monday, Nov. 11 at 9:30 am - Lineup starts at 8:15 am - arrive when you can
Where: 4th and Mechanic, Emporia, KS (MAP)
Who: Democrats who are veterans, related to a veteran, or just appreciate military personnel's service to our country


Posted November 7, 2013