Family type an issue in Kansas foster care study

The Kansas Department for Children and Families has been accused of discriminating against gay and lesbian foster parents.

Topeka, Kan. (AP) — A legislative study committee wants Kansas to consider a foster family's structure as an important issue in placing abused and neglected children in foster care.

The committee approved a recommendation Monday that the Department for Children and Families use "evidence-based" factors in placing foster children. Conservative Republicans who oppose same-sex marriage backed the recommendation, and the panel's GOP chairman has said he believes children fare better in general with parents in so-called traditional marriages.

Democratic Sen. Laura Kelly of Topeka said the recommendation encourages DCF to discriminate against gays and lesbians.

DCF faces allegations that it discriminates against gay and lesbian foster parents seeking to adopt the children in their care. DCF says it focuses on what's best for each child, and Republicans on the committee said that's their top concern.

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The Gayly – January 11, 2016 @ 5:20 p.m.