Oklahoma attempts “sneak attack” on transgender citizens

Oklahoma may see influx of bathroom legislation. File photo.

by Robin Dorner
Editor in Chief

Today, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt sent a five-point letter to the U.S. Department of Justice about Transgender Students requesting details of the for direction on Title IX requirements in following guidelines for federal funding in schools.

He and two other Attorney Generals (Texas and West Virginia) are requesting specific clarification and details satisfying rules to continue receiving these large amounts of federal funding (see attached).

Meanwhile, at the Oklahoma State Capitol, “We are getting word that members of the House of Representatives and State Senate are attempting to use a last minute procedure to slip language that would bar transgender Oklahomans from using public restrooms into an otherwise necessary bill," said Troy Stevenson, Freedom Oklahoma Executive Director. 

“Rumor now is that they are going to put this as an amendment to the budget," adds Stevenson. “We will have no procedural 'stops' with the legislature at this point other than to remind them of the $100 million in education funding cuts guaranteed by the Obama Administration for legislation such as this.”

Freedom Oklahoma is Oklahoma's statewide LGBTQ advocacy organization. They lobby for pro-equality legislation, public policies and education in support of the LGBTQ community.

Last week, Oklahoma House of Representatives Speaker Jeffrey W. Hickman (R-Fairview) issued the following statement in response to the Obama Administration issuing a directive to public schools – with the threat of loss of federal funding – to allow children to use the restroom of the gender with which they identify:

“It is very concerning that the President of the United States would attempt to coerce state-run public schools into complying with his agenda by threatening to withhold federal funding. Children are not political pawns, and I am sure that most Oklahomans are outraged that such a directive would come from our federal government. I intend to work with my colleagues in the House and Senate and with the Governor to address this federal intrusion into what is clearly an issue that should be dealt with by local school boards across our state.”

“We have assembled one of the best legal teams in the nation, and if they think they can get away with dirty pool at the last minute they are wrong,” Stevenson added. “We will immediately file litigation that will cost Oklahoma tax payers millions of dollars on top of the $100 million that will be lost in federal education grants.”

The tax-payers will be left to fit the bill for this action and any legal action taken to undo. Find your legislator here: http://www.oklegislature.gov/findmylegislature.aspx





The Gayly - 5/18/2016 @ 4:05 p.m. CDT