Oklahoma's anti-gay Governor announces re-election

Governor Mary Fallin has suppressed any progress for the LGBT community both as a Congresswoman and as Governor. Photo by Robin Dorner.

Commentary by Robin Dorner
Editor in Chief

Governor Mary Fallin today officially kicked off her re-election campaign for 2014 during a statewide tour. Fallin was first elected in 2011, becoming Oklahoma’s first female governor.

She is the same politician who has always blocked any progressive issues for LGBT citizens both at a state and federal level.

Just last month, Governor Fallin ordered the National Guard to stop processing requests for military benefits for same-sex couples despite a Pentagon directive to do so.

Fallin spokesman Alex Weintz said the governor was "Following the wish of Oklahoma voters," who approved a constitutional amendment in 2004 that prohibits giving benefits of marriage to gay couples."

Haven't we progressed just a wee bit in nearly a decade? Seriously, give us Oklahomans some credit. If that vote were taken today, would it still pass? According to a gallup poll taken in 2012, it would likely be a very close contest.

Polls taken ten years ago and polls taken now show that the country has progressed. Governor Fallin and the rest of the Republican Party are stuck in the past.

In her re-election announcement today, Fallin said, "Oklahoma has pursued conservative, common sense policies that have helped to right our economy and put tens of thousands of men and women back to work."

She failed to mention these are low paying jobs which require more people to need public assistance.

And she clearly does not support equality or inclusion for gay rights in any way, shape or form."

Earlier this year, when DOMA was rejected by the Supreme Court, Fallin released this statement, "Like the vast majority of Oklahomans, I support traditional marriage. I do not and will not support expanding the definition of marriage to include same-sex couples.”

And her anti-gay voice carries on and on.

While in Congress:

  • Voted NO on prohibiting job discrimination based on sexual orientation (2007)

  • Amend Constitution to define traditional marriage (2008)

  • Voted NO on enforcing against anti-gay hate crimes (2009)

As a person, Mary Fallin is very nice; just sweet as could be. However, as a politician for Oklahoma, Governor Fallin is running in 2014 on 2004 issues. Like I said, "Stuck in the past."

She currently has no opponent in her bid for Oklahoma Governor 2014.